Wednesday, March 28, 2007

This is one of my other favorite class images from the past weeks. To me, this image is dark and technical. Light is used in such a way that every detail is visible in this photograph. I really like details and I also believe that cars should be shown with all the little grooves that are no the car. As well as lighting, I like this photograph because of the angle of the camera. This angle is basically a worms eye angle, and this angle makes the subject look and feel powerful. Although it is very hard to see the "candy corn toy" inside the car, the angle which I used to produce this photograph, makes the "candy corn" look bold and powerful


This was one of my favorite images shot during class. This is a photograph of a lily, which I shot in a way that makes the lily look dark, creating the silhouette which is now visible. This photograph appeals to me because the silhouette is strange and vulgar. Although the actual subject is a lily, the photograph looks like it is a silhouette of a weird creature. Sounds silly, but that is the reason I like this photograph. The vulgarity in the content makes me attracted to the way light and dark mesh together.

Orlando Psychadelic

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This is one of my favorite photos that I have taken recently.
I like this photograph because the blue tone in the photogr-
aph came out the way that I wanted it to come out. Trying
to make this tone was hard work, and I worked with a blue
flashlight. With that "set-up", I had no other sources of
light and it made it difficult to focus on the subject, which
is another reason for me liking the photo. A challenge is